Paterson Composites Web Banner

Paterson Composites Inc. Website

I pitched to leadership at Paterson Composites Inc. to personally overhaul the site to coincide with moving to a bigger, better facility.

The homepage I designed to establish the scope of our projects and clients.

The owners wanted to present a narrative about where PCI started from and showcase their extensive, high tech capabilities in a much more professional format.
– Created the new site map and navigation to better rank for searches about composite manufacturing and ISO certifications
– Created all copy, photos and graphics content and tested across screen sizes
– Planned for targeting separate audiences and further to e-commence

Check out the design here:

I was given the freedom to organize the original sections of the one-pager WordPress site to better communicate what PCI can do and establish our experience and background in the industry.

The showcase of our clients and the value statement were key starting points to build the narrative and also improve rankings for search.

I was responsible for all copy and graphics, and I used real textures of materials to anchor the visual language of the new site, with carbon fiber and other high tech materials to create an identity that stands out among traditionally bland manufacturer webpages.

For reference this was what the original site break looked like before.



